Tag: #book

Tag: #book

Winner – Honorable Mention: London Book Festival

Hello Readers of Becoming Soul. Welcome to my website.  I am happy to announce that “Becoming Soul” has recently acquired the Award Winner, Honorable Mention at the London Book Festival -Spiritual/Religious. You may view the official award announcement page by visiting this link: http://www.londonbookfestival.com/ I am very excited that my book Becoming Soul is being

Literary Titan Interview -Becoming Soul -El Alma

I am so grateful to Literary Titan for the opportunity to write an interview about the conception of Becoming Soul and be able to post it here on my website for you. Literary Titan have it posted on their website as well. Deepest Gratitude & Love El Alma Seven Steps to Heaven Excerpt from the Literary Titan

Female First -Entertainment Site-UK-Becoming Soul

 Becoming Soul – Female First Last week I was excited to be asked to write a piece on my book Becoming Soul – Seven Steps to Heaven for Female First an Entertainment site in the UK. My first thought was: During Easter time each year, when we are remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus, questions like these