Tag: #relationships

Tag: #relationships

Literary Titan Interview -Becoming Soul -El Alma

I am so grateful to Literary Titan for the opportunity to write an interview about the conception of Becoming Soul and be able to post it here on my website for you. Literary Titan have it posted on their website as well. Deepest Gratitude & Love El Alma Seven Steps to Heaven Excerpt from the Literary Titan

The More Love Podcast – Helen Reynolds with El Alma

Greetings! Recently I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Helen Reynolds on her More Love Podcast. It became a wonderful conversation between us and I truly appreciate Helen’s time and the enormous effort she put into the presentation of the podcast. Thank you so much Helen. Blessings to you. El Alma To listen

Niki Seberini Interview Johannesburg Becoming Soul

Recently I had an interview with Niki Seberini from Chai FM DL Link in Johannesburg South Africa. Thank you so much Niki. You are welcome to listen to our conversation on the link. https://www.chaifm.com/podcast/2021-02-11-dl-link-with-nikki-seberin-awakening-of-spirit/   2021.02.11 -DL LINK WITH NIKKI SEBERIN – AWAKENING OF SPIRIT.