Tag: #AwardWinner

Tag: #AwardWinner

Becoming Soul -Spiritual Guide-Counsellor-Author

If you want a more in depth understanding of Becoming Soul or you wish to have a counselling/spiritual session with me as a spiritual guide, I can assist you to work with the steps as they are presenting in your life at this moment. Please contact me by email below for an appointment. elalambecommingsoul@gmail.com  

American Fiction Awards Nomination – Becoming Soul

Greetings! Welcome to my blog section. In this section you can catch up on all the exciting happenings about myself and Becoming Soul. It is exciting for me to announce that Becoming Soul has recently been nominated for the American Fiction Awards in the category of New Age Fiction. “The annual American Fiction Awards (AFA)

San Francisco Book Festival Nomination for El Alma

Greetings and Welcome to my website! I hope you find the site interesting as you search for the latest updated information about my book Becoming Soul 7 Steps to Heaven. Becoming Soul has recently been nominated for an award at the San Francisco Book Festival.  I am very excited to share this news with you

Winner – Honorable Mention: London Book Festival

Hello Readers of Becoming Soul. Welcome to my website.  I am happy to announce that “Becoming Soul” has recently acquired the Award Winner, Honorable Mention at the London Book Festival -Spiritual/Religious. You may view the official award announcement page by visiting this link: http://www.londonbookfestival.com/ I am very excited that my book Becoming Soul is being

Award Winner -Southern California Book Festival

Exciting News: Becoming Soul 7 Steps to Heaven has acquired Award Winner Southern California Book Festival – Category ‘Spiritual’ I humbly accept the honor of becoming an Award Winning Author and in doing so I will continue to write about the soul from the premise that ‘we are our souls’, that ‘we are eternal consciousness’,